Supporting Creativity and Innovation

Supporting Creativity and Innovation

Best Practices Research Compilation

Instruction #1: Please answer each question on a 1-5 scale. Do you do this?


  I. Ownership
1. Love What You Do–and help others find jobs to do what they really are passionate about. Help them find WIIFM (What’s In It For Me).
2. Empower Others–with clear expectations, guidelines and the support to succeed.
3. Keep a Light Touch–know when to leave them alone and when to “shape” their environment and keep them in-bounds.
4. Promote Ownership–self-initiative and a sense of responsibility.
    Sub Total for Ownership
  II. Support
5. Overcome Obstacles–that prevent others from being creative and innovative.
6. Protect Them From Too Much Stress–burn-out and rust-out are both wrong; the middle ground of energy and pressure is best for learning.
7. Use Brainstorming and Mind Mapping–as well as other creative processes on a regular basis.
8. Provide Adequate Resources–and the tools and training to succeed.
    Sub Total for Support
  III. Communications
9. Active Listening–to give others a full hearing and the respect their ideas deserve.
10. Tolerate Ambiguity–have few rules and policies, yet be deadly serious and consistent about them.
11. Provide Access to Voluminous Information–of all types, including the business, the plans, the financials, and anything else they might want. The criteria of “need to know” is obsolete.
12. Be Responsive to New Ideas–and look for the “nuggets” in them, versus why they won’t work.
    Sub Total for Communications
  IV. Feedback
13. Reward Others–for creativity, new ideas and follow-through, and continuous improvement, with a focus on positive recognition, new learning and growth opportunities as well as financially.
14. Debrief Projects and Events–to create recognition and learning from experiences and for future creativity.
15. Balance Your Knowledge About a Topic–there is a danger of knowing too much or of knowing too little. Abdication and micro-management are both wrong.
16. Strong Performance Expectations and Accountability–are helpful if used to guide direction, clarity and channel energy. Goal setting is the #1 criteria for success in all the literature.
    Sub Total for Feedback
  IV. Growth
17. Allow Sensible Risk-Taking–and small failures as learning experiences.
18. Stress Continuous Improvement–and reward progress, not perfection. Quality Improvement in your Daily Work (QIDW) is key.
19. Provide Developmental Activities–to keep their minds active and their hearts fertile.
20. Develop a Shared Consensus on the “What” Only–and leave the “how to” up to others’ imagination.
    Sub Total for Growth
  V. Systems View
21. Keep the Long Term in Mind–and don’t sweat the small stuff.
22. Take a Broader Systems View–in order to get the right perspective and multiple causes and goals for difficult problems and puzzles.
23. Keep the Big Picture in Mind at All Times–and help others to have the ability to see it also.
24. Provide a Team Environment–and broader cooperation by actively promoting and modeling it yourself.
    Sub Total for Systems View
    Total Score


Determining Average Score
_____ Ownership/4 = Average = _____  
_____ Support/4 = Average = _____
_____ Communications/4 = Average = _____
_____ Feedback/4 = Average = _____
_____ Growth/4 = Average = _____
_____ Systems View/4 = Average = _____
_____ Total/24 = Average = _____

Note: Maximum total score = 120 points
An average total score = 72 points

Instruction #2:

List your top 3-5 areas of excellence List your top 3-5 areas needing most improvement