Strategic Management System: It's Simple

Strategic Management System:
It’s Simple

(Once You Use The Systems Thinking Approach®)

The Three Foundational Core Competencies of Every Organization on Earth:

1. Have a Shared Direction
  1. Develop a Strategic Plan that is Customer-Focused
    • with a shared Vision, Values and Core Strategies, pointing to a clear Future Positioning
    • develop focused, organization-wide Action Priorities for the next year
  2. Develop Buy-in and Stay-in to the Yearly Strategic Management Cycle and Plan
    • communicate — communicate — communicate (stump speeches)
    • involvement — participative management — and WIFFM
Core Competency #2: Build an Integrated Strategic Management System — “Use Systems Thinking — Focus on the Customer”


2. Develop and Implement/Change to a Consistent Overall Strategic Business Design
  1. Conduct a Strategic Business Assessment and Redesign
    • to ensure the fit of all policies and parts, people and business processes of the organization — use Building on the Baldrige, a Fast Track Best Practices Assessment
    • using the overall direction, Strategic Plan and positioning as the criteria
  2. Cascade down department work plans, budgets and accountability with Watertight Integrity and Accountability to the Shared Direction
    • using the core strategies, action priorities, and values as the glue to make Organization-Wide change down and throughout the organization
Core Competency #1: Develop and Achieve Leadership Excellence — “Continually increase your range and depth of leadership skills through Leading Strategic Change and Innovation.”


3. Develop Leaders Who Can Successfully Lead and implement Changes in the Shared Direction and Strategic Business Design
  1. Know your role(s) as a leader
    • leaders: focus on content and consequences
    • support cadre: focus on processes and infra-structure coordination
  2. Build follow-up structures and processes
    • to track, control, adjust and achieve the plan and key success measurements/results
    • to reward, recognize and celebrate progress and results
Core Competency #3: Create a Strategic Business Design with Watertight Integrity — “Systemic problems require system-wide solutions.”