Seven Levels of Living (Open) Systems

Seven Levels of Living (Open) Systems

“And the Big Four Systems Levels” &mdashKenneth Boulding


  1. Cell — the basic unit of life — the smallest unit (system) capable of independent functioning.
  2. Organ — the systems in our body

Organizational Focus

  1. Organism — Individuals
  2. Group — teams, families
  3. Organization — firm, community, city, public/private
  4. Society — countries, nations, regions of countries
  1. Supranational System — continents, earth

  1. Solar System?
  2. Universe?

Question: Are there any other living systems as we know them?

Question: Do each of these seven levels constitute a “system”?
(i.e., sets of interrelated components that [should] work together for the overall objective good of the whole)

Question: Are systems, then, the natural order of the earth?

Our organizational focus is usually these four levels (#3, 4, 5, 6) of the Living Systems — and the collisions of these systems with each other, both:

  • within each hierarchical level (i.e., 1-to-1), and
  • between each hierarchical level (i.e., group/department vs. organization)