Some New Language of the Systems Thinking Approach

Some New Language of the Systems Thinking Approach

  1. Input — Throughput — Output — Feedback in the Environment (Four Phases of Systems Thinking
  2. A—B—C—D (The Four Phases in proper order; A = Output; B = Feedback; C = Input; D = Throughput)—It simplifies the mazes, chaos and messes we see; helps to see the forest and the trees
  3. Precondition #1: What entity are we dealing with
  4. The #1 and #2 Systems Questions: #1—Outcomes; #2—Feedback
  5. #3 Question: ESS (Environmental Scanning System
  6. Means/ends
  7. Multiple goal seeking
  8. Strategic consistency/operational flexibility
  9. Backwards thinking
  10. The whole is primary, parts secondary
  11. Synthesis vs. analysis is a new way of thinking
  12. Environment—Living Systems interact in a hierarchy; both always present
  13. Messes of problems vs. separate problems
  14. Feedback is the breakfast of champions
  15. Negative entropy or positive energy continuously into the system — feedback
  16. Begin with the end in mind
  17. Get outside the 9 Dots
  18. Relationships/fit are key — processes are important; not events/units
  19. Causes — effects
    • Are circular — not one way
    • Are not related in time/space
  20. Simplistic, quick fixes do not work!
  21. Causal Loops make things better and better—or worse and worse
  22. Seven Levels of Living Systems (especially, #3—individual; #4—team; #5— organization; #6—society; #7—earth
  23. KISS Method—reduces complexity, rigidity, bureaucracy and death
  24. 5 “Whys”—to reach the true/final outcomes/benefits
  25. General Systems Theory