Mastery Modules
An Integrated Line of Business of The Haines Centre for Strategic Management

Mastery Modules

Reinventing Strategic Planning Master Class

4½ Days Immersion Boot Camp

Candidate-led presentations and facilitation rounds to demonstrate proficiency in the Mastery Modules:


  • Each candidate is expected to sign up to present and facilitate a learning experience for the other candidate on one or more of these Rounds during the week; so bring your notes, materials and PowerPoint Slides to help you prepare at night in this Boot Camp-type week.

  • Candidates will be given evenings to prepare the 30 minute presentation for their allocated Round, as well as support a fellow candidate as coach.

  • Each Round is a one-hour cycle, and the proceeding is explained at the bottom of this page.  Detailed instructions will be given on the first day morning of the Master-Class.

  • Instructors will conduct a demo-round to demonstrate how each round should be conducted and the level of proficiency expected from the candidates for each of the Mastery Modules.  The Instructor Demo will be on the topic:

  1. Strategic Thinking ABCs Model and Template – The 5 basic questions and applications.

  • The 14 Mastery Modules to be conducted by candidates in turn over 14 facilitation rounds are:

  1. 10 Step Strategic Management Model Overview – The Systems Thinking ApproachTM
  2. Smart Start: Plan-to-plan – Why do it, and the 4 main tasks
  3. Conducting an Executive Briefing – What it is, and how to do it
  4. Future Environmental Scanning – SKEPTIC
  5. Ideal Future Visioning – Vision, mission, values, rallying cry
  6. Marketplace Positioning – Star Model, Levels of Competitiveness
  7. Key Success Measures – Quadruple Bottom Line
  8. Current State Assessment – Enterprise-Wide Assessment vs SWOT
  9. Strategy Development – Core Strategies, Annual Strategic Priorities, Pink Sheet & Shared Documents
  10. Three-Year Business Planning – Business Unit and Functional Divisional Planning – Strategic consistency and operational flexibility
  11. Cascade of Planning – Planning Levels, Cascade down to annual plans and budgets
  12. Smart Start for Implementation – Overview of Plan-to-Implement, Iceberg Theory of Change, Roller-coaster of Change™
  13. Parallel Involvement Process – Key Stakeholders, Who When How
  14. Yearly Strategic Management System and Cycle – Yearly Map of Implementation

Facilitation Rounds: One-Hour Cycle Explained:

  1. Presentations / Facilitation (30 minutes total), broken down as follows:

    1. Lecturette on purposes and three key concepts (10 minutes recommended) – The “What”
    2. Overall design/sequence/agenda (or Lesson Plan) of the step presented (10 minutes recommended) – The “How To”
    3. Three big process issues anticipated (10 minutes recommended)
  2. Interactive Discussion (15 minutes) – The “presenting” Candidate hosts an open interactive discussion on the topic.
    1. Each candidate in the class will be keeping a Master Learning Log on their greatest insights on each of the Mastery Modules / Topics.

    3. 3 to 5 of these insights on the current topic will be picked at random from among the candidates and flip-charted, and used as the starting point for the open discussions.
    4. Note:  All Master Learning Logs will be submitted on Thursday night to the facilitators for review and grading, and returned to the candidates on Friday. Candidates are advised that the quality of their respective Master Learning Logs are part of the overall assessment of them having acquired the competency level necessary to be awarded the Master Class certificate of completion.
  3. Feedback  (5 minutes) – The Class gives feedback to the “presenting” Candidate on his/her facilitation and presentation skills; his/her 3 best skills as well as 3 skills most in need of improvement. This feedback session will be conducted by two other candidates randomly selected from the class.