Strategic IQ™ Audit
An Integrated Line of Business of The Haines Centre for Strategic Management

Do you have a yearly financial audit and certification of your organization?

Why not have a yearly Best Practices Strategic IQ™ Audit and Certification also?

  • Financial Audits look at the past – The Financials & Operations
  • Strategic IQ™ Audits look at Strategy, Positioning, and a Future-Oriented Customer-Focus

Only the Centre has researched proven best practices in Strategic Management building on the Baldrige Quality Award for Performance Excellence. We created a Strategic IQ™ Audit and Certification that begins where the Baldrige leaves off. It is our only business. We are now the World Leaders in the Systems Thinking Approach® to Strategic Management, as we created and now offer the only yearly Strategic IQ™ Audit and Certification.

Strategic IQ™ Audit Explained

  • Strategic IQ™ Audit Benefits
  • Strategic IQ™ Audit Purposes
  • Strategic IQ™ Audit Two-day Agenda
  • Strategic IQ™ Audit Explained
  • Options to Audit Your Strategic IQ™

Strategic IQ™ Audit Benefits

Organization In House Two-Day Strategic IQ Audit Program
Purpose: Conduct a Smart Start Process through a Strategic IQ Audit to intelligently kick off Strategic Planning with a high probability of success (Includes our unique Executive Briefing and Plan-to-Plan Day as well)
Dates of Process: Two consecutive days–but only a one day meeting
Location: Corporate Headquarters
Agenda for: The entire Smart Start Process

CONDUCTED BY: Two Haines Centre Master Consultants and Global Partners


  • Initial 1 1/2 hour meeting with the CEO and any other decision-maker(s)
  • Then a brief 30-60 minute Kick Off Meeting with Senior Management/Key others
  • The rest of the day is in individual 1-1 sessions and data collection processes
  • At the end of day, the CEO and decision-maker(s) have a follow up meeting with the Centre Program Director for 1-1½ hours




    • CEO/All Members of the Senior Management Team
    • A few key other executives (optional-jointly agreed to)
    • Key senior staff support executives
    • A support professional with a laptop computer to take notes


  • The CEO and decision-maker(s) with the Centre Program Director



Strategic IQ™ Audit Purposes

  1. To Conduct a Strategic IQ Audit® with a specific roadmap and recommendations on what is missing or lacking in the business to enhance and sustain operational excellence and bottom line business results
  2. To conduct a unique Executive Briefing and Plan-to-Plan Day in order to “educate, assess, tailor and organize” a successful Strategic Planning and Strategic Change process
  3. To learn how using the robust 21st Century proven best practices in Strategic Management as a roadmap (The Systems Thinking Approach® ) can result in significant short and long term sustainable growth, profitability and positive change



Strategic IQ™ Audit Agenda

– Day One –

  • Initial meeting with CEO on purposes/intro- ductions/wants
    -Terms and Conditions with Nothing-to-Lose and No Further Oblilgations Guarantess
  • Initial meeting with Senior Management on Strategic IQ Audit
  • Begin Strategic IQ Audit Process
    – Conduct analysis of business documents (economic, customer, operational and strategic)
  • Working lunch-Familiarization tour of premises
  • Continue Strategic IQ Audit Process
    -Hold 1-1 data collection sessions as necessary
  • Client Objectives meeting with CEO and other decision-makers
  • Haines Centre Partners internal review meeting of data collected/objectives

– Day Two –

  • Executive Briefing on Strategic Management
    (The Systems Thinking Approach®)
  • Application to Strategic Management: 21st Century Best Practices Research
    (Planning—People—Leadership—Change to Deliver Customer Value)
  • Plan-to-Plan Session
    – Tailor and Organize the effort including Parallel Involvement Process
  • Working lunch
  • Research Findings Revealed:– Meeting with CEO and decision-makers
    -Results of the Strategic IQ Audit – Strategic, Customer, economic, operational
    -Specific Roadmap and Recommendations/Reactions
  • Next Steps:
    -Clarity on Agreement and next steps/ To Do List reviewed



Strategic IQ™ Audit Explained

It includes a focus on both

  • Your Strategic Direction, Customer Focus, Operational Excellence, and Financial results versus Best Practices to Achieve Business Excellence and Superior Results
  • Your yearly Strategic Management System and Cycle that is Customer-Focused and generates these results, year after year (an integrated approach)

Have the Centre’s Mastery Level Senior Executive Consultants, Audit Program Directors, and Strategy Experts Audit you yearly in Four Areas:

  1. Shared Direction and Clarity of Purpose:
    • Develop a Strategic Plan and clear marketplace positioning & Customer-Focus
    • Develop “Buy-in” and “Stay-in” to the Plan for best answers and ownership
  2. Shared Core Strategies:
    • Conduct a Strategic Business Assessment and a consistent overall Strategic Business Design, Productivity, and Efficiencies
    • Cascade down Department Work Plans, Operations, Budgets, and Accountability
  3. Successfully roll out and implement Enterprise-Wide Change:
    • Enhance performance of each Leader and Unit at all levels vs. your Strategic Direction
    • Install follow-up Change Management Structures and Processes
    • Significantly enhance your financial growth, ROI, and Long-Term Viability
  4. The Foundation: Sustaining Capacity and Simplicity:
    • Develop the Capacity for Sustaining Enterprise-Wide Change
    • Achieve Elegant Simplicity and Clarity of Focus

The Strategic IQ™ is a comprehensive Enterprise-Wide Audit that includes an integrated suite of assessments, including:

  1. Strategic Management Results, Direction and Marketplace Positioning Audit
  2. Yearly Strategic Management System and Cycle process and capabilities Audit
  3. Customer-Orientation and Focus Audit
  4. Economic Analysis and Financial Results Audit
  5. Operational Excellence, Plans, Accountability and Culture (Values) Audit
  6. Strategic Business Design, Productivity and Efficiencies Audit
  7. Organizational Capacity for Change-Five Components Audited
  8. (Optional) Enterprise-Wide Assessment vs. the Baldrige Quality Criteria for Performance Excellence (either a face-face or online Assessment available)

All of this is based on the proven research of organizational best practices, using the best 21st Century Integrated Organizing Framework and Language there currently is, The Systems Thinking Approach®.



Options to Audit your Strategic IQ™

  1. Have two Haines Centre Master Consultants come in-house and use this assessment to conduct a neutral third party diagnosis and assessment.
  2. Have the Haines Centre jointly assess you with a specifically trained sub-group within your organization. Build your own internal assessors.
  3. Conduct it as part of any Strategic Planning (or Enterprise-Wide Change) project including:
    • Future Environmental Scan
    • SWOT Analysis
  4. Make it part of the yearly “annual strategic review” and update of your Strategic Plan.
  5. Conduct it to begin a Strategic Planning or Enterprise-Wide Change Management Project.