15 Key Benefits of a Strategic Management System

15 Key Benefits of a Strategic Management System

Which of these benefits are still missing in your organization?

  1. Taking an organization-wide, proactive approach to a changing global world
  2. Building an executive team that serves as a model of cross-functional or horizontal teamwork
  3. Having an intense executive development and strategic orientation process
  4. Defining focused, quantifiable outcomes measures of success
  5. Making intelligent budgeting decisions
  6. Clarifying your competitive advantage
  7. Reducing conflict; empowering the organization
  8. Providing clear guidelines for day-to-day decisiion making
  9. Creating a critical mass for change
  10. “Singing from the same hymnal” throughout the organization
  11. Clarifying and simplifing the barrage of management techniques
  12. Empowering middle managers
  13. Focusing everyone in the organization in the same overall framework
  14. Speeding up implementation of the core strategies
  15. Providing tangible tools for dealing with the stress of change