

Main Purpose of Clarity

Building clarity of purpose within your organization’s unique, dynamic and global environment should be the first priority in any organization. Shared, common goals for the organization are crucial to coordinated and focused actions by the senior leadership.

Our Strategic Planning Services guide you throgh the process of reinventing your strategic planning process into a yearly Strategic Management System and cycle that is so clear and focused throughout the organization that it achieves superior and sustained results, year after year. After all, the main reason you do strategic planning is to grow and change your organization to achieve superiors results.

To obtain clarity across your organization, the Haines Centre has identified these main purposes:

Obtaining Clarity of Direction

Clarity begins with the defining of clear desired outcomes. Failure to answer and get agreement on this characteristic first is what creates chaos and complexity instead of clarity.

To further obtain clarity of direction, the CEO and senior management teams must agree on three shared documents:

  • Vison/Mission statements
  • Core strategies/annual organization priorities
  • Core values

And the most important of all-Your competitive positioning in the marketplace


In addition to the above principles, three goals must be met in order to create and ultimately sustain a yearly Strategic Management System:

  • Goal #1: The development of strategic, business and annual plans and documents
  • Goal #2: Senior management must ensure the successful implementation of Enterprise-Wide Change has taken place
  • Goal #3: High performance must continue to be built and sustained, year after year

Expected Outcomes

Each goal above is designed to first work on the enterprise (goal 1), work in the enterprise (goal 2) and finally, check on the enterprise (goal 3) to create and sustain these multiple outcomes:

  • Superior results in the financial, customer, employee and society sectors
  • Business excellence in operational efficiency, organizational health and dignity, organizational effectiveness and ensure the organizational capactiy is maintained


See our seamless suite of integrated services.
