Client Results Achieved by Haines Centre for Strategic Management sms 4

Client Results Achieved by Haines Centre for Strategic Management

Industry Type Location Public/Private Annual Revenue Length of Engagement
Cattle Association Texas Private $1.9 million 10 years (on and off)


From: A small cattle association reacting to individual member needs. To: The most well-run and respected cattle association in the world, utilizing proactive Total Herd Reporting & breeding system.


Business Problem Solutions Major Results
  • No organizational strategic plan
  • Developed Strategic Plan and results-based thinking
  • Conduct Annual Strategic Reviews focusing on and revising Key Success Measures
  • Moved into unique industry niche, looking at reproductive Expected Progeny Differences
  • Understaffed
  • Recommended organizational structure
  • Pointed out key areas to hire new staff for competitive business advantage
  • Hired several key professionals (Commercial Marketing Manager, Office Manager, Book Keeper, Registration Department Manager, Computer Networker/Programmer)
  • 500% employee growth over 5 years
  • Unclear business focus
  • Introduced Strategic Thinking and focus on Competitive Business Edge
  • Designed and implemented Strategic Planning Committee
  • Redesigned business approach:
  • Charge based on members’ inventories
  • Gather comprehensive genetic data to produce genetic predictions
  • Look at carcass Expected Progeny Differences
  • Small company
  • Introduced broader thinking toward World-Class Star Positioning
  • Developed strategic business acumen, focusing on Planning, Leadership and Change
  • Grew from 11th largest cattle association in 1994 to 5th largest in 2003
  • Increased membership by 260 from 1994 to 2003 (Implemented rule to streamline membership: Members must own cattle)
  • Developed Web-based registration in 1996
  • Move 80,000+ head through TV auctions
  • Not financially viable
  • Demonstrated how to attain financial and leadership stability
  • Quadruple Bottom Line focus: Customers, Employees, Shareholders & Society
  • Grew from a $1 million organization in 1996 to $1.9 million in 2003
  • Moved from $100,000 deficit in 1996 to deficit spending and profitability in 2003


R.L. Hough, Executive Secretary: “Steve is very good at getting to the important issues—in fact, that’s what he’s best at.”

R.P. Gilbert, Executive Secretary: “Steve Haines has clearly created a new and elegant level of thinking to address the significant problems of today and the future. Organizations that adopt this new frame of reference substantially improve their probability of long-term success.”

This cattle association requested the services of the Haines Centre for Strategic Management in about 10 years ago. They had just obtained a new Executive Director to help professionalize their organization. The top coach at the Centre worked with the CEO and executive committee and created a Strategic Plan. The first action upon implementation of this Plan was the hiring of a Marketing Director.

One of the major innovations the Centre helped establish was a parallel process of involvement between the board of directors and the customers. The Centre’s top coach developed effective Strategic and Life Plans for 2 of the major families that owned ranches and served on the board of the cattle association.

The cattle association worked on its own for a few years, during which time it enhanced its marketing strategy, developed partnerships with packing plants, and became the premium choice for beef. The association also implemented a computerized Total Herd Reporting system, which generated Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs), and elevated the cows to the “best breed in the world.”

In 2002, the prosperous cattle association called the Centre once again to update their Strategic Plan. Because of the association’s cooperation through the initial Strategic Planning process and its subsequent successes, the new Plan was readily accepted and implemented. Today, the Centre uses this Strategic Plan as a model for other companies.

This cattle association is one of the Centre’s oldest and best clients. Their understanding of, and cooperation with, the Centre’s implementations have no doubt contributed to their vast success.

