Client Results Achieved by Haines Centre for Strategic Management 1
Industry Type Location Public/Private Annual Revenue Length of Engagement
Credit Union (V) California Public Not-for-profit 4 years


From: A management group with conflicting business goals. To: A cohesive senior team moving towards a shared vision.


Business Problem Solutions Major Results
  • Senior people were all working off different business plans
  • Helped develop ONE Strategic Plan
  • Developed inspiring mission statement
  • Assisted with Annual Strategic Reviews
  • Suggested implementation of regular team and all management meetings
  • Management and Board agreed on core values
  • Together they determined their key success strategies, and established accountability for each of the strategies, & update Plan on a yearly basis
  • Improved interdepartmental communication & information sharing
  • Needed to improve overall employee satisfaction and reduce turnover
  • Developed and delivered training to communicate core vision and mission to ALL stakeholders
  • Included every single employee in the strategic planning process so each person’s voice was heard
  • 1 year later, the company received award from HR Solutions for the 2nd highest employee satisfaction score, and the most improved satisfaction score in the country
  • Employee turnover was cut in half, from 50% to 25% in 2 years
  • San Jose Magazine has elected the company one of top 100 places to work in Silicon Valley for the last 3 years
  • Wanted to increase membership and enhance customer satisfaction
  • Established benchmarks for immediately acknowledging new members, returning messages on the same day, and telling all members about new products and services
  • Membership increased from 33,680 in 2000 to 37,577 in 2003 – an increase of 12% in 3 years
  • Strategic business focus is now proactive; and not reactive
  • Required better asset quality, more effective risk management, and asset growth
  • Strategic focus on profit and growth while managing risk<
  • New model developed that focuses on guiding staff though profitability/cost analysis prior to approval of expenditures
  • Asset growth from $2.3 million in 2000 to $3 million in 2003 – and increase of 32% in 3 years
  • As a result of strategic planning process, purchased a new facility for head office to decrease occupancy costs
  • Lack of visibility in the community, as well as in the Hispanic market
  • Suggested opening a new branch in predominantly Hispanic area of town to provide better banking services for the community
  • New flagship branch gone from zero to 2816 members in just 2 years, and over half of all departments now have bilingual staff


“It is an amazing feeling to have begun with a vision for ourselves and to see each of the goals outlined in our plan being accomplished by our team.” CEO of Credit Union

When the Credit Union first hired Steve 4 years ago, they had never had a business plan that stuck – people were all working off different plans and going in different directions. Steve helped them to create ONE vision, and assisted them in determining the core values and the guiding principals of their organization. As their COO put it “The plan was like glue for our organization. It gave us all one thing to strive towards.”

The key success factors for the credit union were determined from the plan, and the senior team quickly learned that success measures MUST be measurable if they are to be effective, which is a key aspect of the Centers Strategic Management approach. They attribute this ability to measure their plans accurately as one of the main reasons for their success.

One of the most important measures in this organization is financial. Since starting with Steve four years ago, they have had a 12% growth in membership, and a 32% increase in their asset base. They have also cut their turnover rate in half, and dramatically improved on employee satisfaction.

They also truly value their multicultural membership drive, as evidenced by the goal of 25% of all new accounts that are opened should be Spanish. In fact, they have been so successful in this area that they have ethnic communities contacting them and asking them to establish branches in their neighborhoods. The other thing they look at closely is their delivery channel – they want to have the best availability for their members.

In their employee satisfaction survey, there are questions on employee perceptions of the strategic plan. The Centre’s plan has received some of the highest ratings on the survey because people feel that as a result of the plan they are more in tune with where the company is going.

The core planning team goes to EVERY branch EVERY quarter. Their COO also keeps things interesting by giving “pop quizzes” over the net or in meetings, with good incentives to play (baseball tickets, an hour off, etc.). Mangers review some part of the plan each month with their staff, and the strategic plan is included as an important aspect of the orientation of new staff. This credit union practices the Centre’s model in its purest form, and it has the stellar results and reputation to show for it.

The senior team feels that the parallel process aspect of the Centre’s strategic planning process is what makes it so successful. The core planning teams get together and collectively generate ideas and strategies, and encourage input from all the stakeholders in the process. They definitely support what they create.

