Architects of Strategic and Social Change

“Architects of Strategic and Social Change”

Our Unique Positioning in the Marketplace

Rallying Cry
    Joint Outputs    
Your Outcome/Results
1. Architects 1. Broader Perspective — Systems Thinking Approach®
— Helicopter View/Strategic Management System
— Structure/Framework/Seamless
— Language/Discipline/Science
2. In Strategic 2. Different Answers — CEO Levels
— Best Practices
— Right Strategies
— Choices/Tradeoffs
— Leadership/Management Competencies
3. And Social 3. Enhanced Culture — Reduced Conflict/More Collaboration and Teamwork
— People Edge (Leadership/HR)
— Parallel Process
— Buy In/Stay In
— Troubleshoot/Test it
— Simple/Implementable
— Transfer Skills (long-term process)
— Participative Management
4. Change 4. Better Results Quadruple Bottom Line
1. Employees
2. Customers
3. Shareholders
4. Community/Society